Sumani Bamukwatampola
Photo unavailable
Name: Sumani Bamukwatampola
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 30/07/2007
Village: Wairaka
Duties at home: Fetching water, collecting firewood, cleaning compound
Hobbies: Soccer, Dancing
Sumani’s parents died and he was left with his unemployed grandmother to take care of him. Sumani wants so much to go to school but his grandmother cannot afford both his basic and school needs. Please help Sumani go to school.
You can help him with his basic needs and school requirements for just $30 per month, or share sponsorship for $15 per month. Just Click Here to sign up and donate. (Be sure to tell us that you want to sponsor Sumani Bamukwatampola so we can direct the funds accurately.)
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