Monica Adeke


Monica Adeke

Monica Adeke

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 29/7/2001

Village: Wairaka

Duties At Home: Cooking, washing and house cleaning

Favourite Activities: Reading, dancing, worshiping God

Favourite Subject: English, Social Studies

Monica stays with her grandmother and she is the one who does all the work at home since the grandmother is old. Though Monica is in elementary school now, her basic needs are not really being met, and she is worried about finding the funds for her future studies. During weekends and on holidays Monica works in other people’s gardens for the exchange of either food or a little money.

You can help her with her basic needs and school requirements for just $30 per month, or share sponsorship for $15 per month. Just Click Here to sign up and donate. (Be sure to tell us that you want to sponsor Monica Adeke so we can direct the funds accurately.)

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