Aaron Walubo
Name: Aaron Walubo
Date of birth:12/8/2009
Duties at home:Fetching water and cleaning the compound
Hobbies:Singing, Drama and soccer
Aaron Walubo stays with his grandmother who sells boiled cassava and potatoes as a way of earning a living. She cannot afford to meet all the school and basic needs of this child and your sponsorship means a lot to him.
Aaron is one of the Sunday school choir members at the church and he loves God very much. You can help him with his basic needs and school requirements for just $30 per month, or share sponsorship for $15 per month.
You can help him with his basic needs and school requirements for just $30 per month, or share sponsorship for $15 per month. Just Click Here to sign up and donate. (Be sure to tell us that you want to sponsor Aaron Walubo so we can direct the funds accurately.)
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